10E/756 Bolometer 14 mW
The 10E/756 (old RAF store code) derives from a S2A prototype and was replaced by CV984.
The filament is held close to the top window by the two rigid rods spaced by a mica insert.
A bolometer can be used to measure power at microwave frequencies. In this application, a resistive element is exposed to microwave power. A DC bias current is applied to the resistor to raise its temperature via Joule heating, such that the resistance is matched to the waveguide characteristic impedance. After applying microwave power, the bias current is reduced to return the bolometer to its resistance in the absence of microwave power. The change in the DC power is then equal to the absorbed microwave power. To reject the effect of ambient temperature changes, the active (measuring) element is in a bridge circuit with an identical element not exposed to microwaves; variations in temperature common to both elements do not affect the accuracy of the reading. The average response time of the bolometer allows convenient measurement of the power of a pulsed source.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 70 mm • 2" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 19 mm • 3/4"

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