Импульсная нейтронная трубка НТ-8
NT-8 Pulsed Neutron Generator Tube
Tube générateur de neutrons
Neutronengenerator Röhre
In 1964 in the USSR, the first portable pulsed neutron generator was created and tested, named NGI-1, intended for activation of rock samples by neutrons for the purpose of analyzing their elemental composition. The generator used a vacuum accelerator tube NT-8 with an ion source. The generator was included in the set of equipment of the transportable laboratory of activation analysis “Sena”, first successfully applied in practice in geophysical studies of deposits of copper ores and bauxites in the Caucasus and Karelia.
Neutron flux intensity at the beginning of service life: 1·108 neutrons/impulse
Service life: 106 impulses
Neutron flux intensity at the end of service life: 1·107 neutrons/impulse
Pulse repetition rate: up to 10 Hz
Operating temperature range: 60-80°C
Mechanical strength, g: 4

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 21 cm • 8" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 65 mm • 2" 1/2


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