Малогабаритная ускорительная трубка УНГ-1 для скважинных генераторов нейтронов
UNG-1 Small-sized accelerator tube for borehole neutron generators
Tube accélérateur pour générateur de neutrons
Beschleunigerröhre für Neutronengenerator
Small size gas-filled neutron tube designed for use in the neutron generators IGN-1 and IGN-1-M (a pulse neutron generator).
Their production in the USSR has been started in 1963.
The ion source of the tube is a Penning source, equipped with a hot cathode.
Applications: in geochemistry and geology.
Energy: 14 MeV
Neutron flux intensity at the beginning of service life: 1·107 neutrons/sec
Service life: 100 hours
Neutron flux intensity at the end of service life: 5·106 neutrons/sec
Pulse repetition rate: 50-400 Hz
Operating temperature range: up to 120°C
Mechanical strength, g: 3

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 18,5 cm • 7" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 30 mm • 1" 1/8

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