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6Л1П Гептагрид (нонод) высокочастотный с разрывно-гистерезисной харкктеристикой
6L1P HF heptagrid with hysteresis characteristics
Enneode, Nonode

Miniature high-frequency nonode with special hysteresis characteristics, designed to work in high-speed amplitude discriminators, binary storage and counting devices and limiters.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: 6L1P(a).pdf & 6L1P(b).pdf & 6L1P(c).pdf


6L1P HF heptagrid with hysteresis characteristics

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 66 mm • 2" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 22 mm • 7/8"

6L1P HF heptagrid with hysteresis characteristics

6L1P HF heptagrid with hysteresis characteristics

6L1P HF heptagrid with hysteresis characteristics

1. cathode; 2. cathode screen; 3. modulator;
4. 1st accelerator; 5. focusing electrode; 6. 2nd accelerator; 7. control grid;
8. shielding grid; 9. protective grid; 10. anode; 11. shield.


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