Электронного умножителя типа ЭЛУ-ОК
ELU-OK Secondary-Electron Multiplier
Tube multiplicateur d'électrons secondaires
Secondary-Electron Multiplier for the generation and amplification of high-power nanosecond high-voltage pulses.
Tube multiplicateur d'électrons secondaires pour la génération et l'amplification d'impulsions haute tension de haute puissance de l'ordre de la nanoseconde.
Sekundärelektronenvervielfacher zur Erzeugung und Verstärkung von Hochspannungsimpulsen im Nanosekundenbereich.
Developed by • Développé par • Entwickelt von : All-Russia Research Institute of Optophysical Measurements (VNIIOFI), Moscow, Russia.
Five models have been developed. They are a combination of an electron tube (triode, tetrode or even a pentode, depending on the model) and a secondary electron multiplier. By means of these devices, nanosecond pulses of a power up to 50 kW into a load of 75 Ω can be generated, with an input signal amplitude of 10-30 V. The output pulse rise time, depending on the type of device, is 0.7 to 4·10-9 sec and the gain factor is 20-50 dB.
This tube is to be compared to the
TUNG-SOL JAN-8455 High Pulse Power, Grid-Controlled Electron Multiplier Tube.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 17 cm • 6" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 6 cm • 2" 3/8

Electrical diagram of an HF signal generator based on the 8ELU-OK tube.
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