Western Electric SIGNAL CORPS VT-1 TriodeGeneral-purpose triode, used for detector, amplifier or low-power oscillator. At the urgent request of the armed services, WE engineers developed tubes of rugged, stable and reliable construction to meet exacting requirements. From their work emerged two of the best known and most reliable tubes: VT-1 and VT-2. The VT-1 was made for the Army Signal Corps. It had a stamped grid with 15 laterals and was designed as a receiver tube for communication between airplanes (SCR-68) and ships (CW-936). It had a ruggedized structure built to withstand unusual vibration and shock. After WW I, many tubes were surplused from the Signal Corps and sold in the open market for use by amateur-radio enthusiasts. Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: VT-1.pdf
Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 10,3 cm • 4"
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