Western Electric VT52 Power Triode
Triode de puissance
The VT52, a medium-power triode introduced in 1939, also known as “45 Special” is actually a regridded, lower mu,
with an oxide filament
and a ST16 bulb. It was used in the Army BC-AS-230 (SCR-183) aircraft transmitter.
The VT52 and the related VT25A were designed to meet the need of the US Army Air Corps to have tubes in airborne radio sets that would give constant output when powered from a generator both at engine idle and at full rpm, a range between about 6.5V and 7.5V.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 13,6 cm • 5" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 50 mm • 2"

Data from the SCR-183 manual.

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