Western Electric JAN 388A UHF “Doorknob” Transmitting Triode
Triode haute fréquence (« bouton de porte »)
Hochfrequenz-Triode (Knopfröhre)
Filamentary air-cooled triode. Unbased oscillator-amplifier in UHF range up to 1700 MHz.
They had extremely short tungsten leads, fin-type grids, hard-glass envelopes, and graphite anodes.
Grid and plate are supported by wires that run straight through the tube envelope; this geometry made it possible to mount the
tube itself at the center of half-wave resonating lines.
For use in the transmitter of the 1A Altimeter; later in Delco AN/APQ-2 radar jammer.
Po 5 W at 750 MHz.
Vfil 1.5 V at 9 A.
Samuel, A.L. A Negative-Grid Triode Oscillator and Amplifier
for Ultra-High Frequencies (Bell System Technical Journal, 16:4, October 1937)
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 63 mm • 2" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 65 mm • 2" 9/16

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