WESTINGHOUSE WL-530 VT-122 Water-Cooled Triode
Triode à refroidissement par eau
Wassergekühlte Triode
Distilled-water cooled triode for pulsed operation.
Thoriated-tungsten filament, 7.25-8.0 V @ 85 A.
80 A peak emission. 15 kV peak voltage, 8 kW plate dissipation.
Typical pulse output 75 kW per tube.
120 MHz full ratings.
This high power radar transmitting tube was developed during the late 30's; a pair of them
were used as the final transmitter stage in the 1940 SCR-270 radar (Signal Corps Radio model 270, also known as
the Pearl Harbor Radar), one of the first operational early warning radars. It was the U.S. Army's primary
long-distance radar throughout World War II and was deployed around the world.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 21 cm • 8" 3/10
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 15,5 cm • 6" 1/10

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