HÜTTINGER TA4/500 500W Triode
Power triode
On January 1, 1922, Fritz Hüttinger founded his eponymous company in Freiburg (DE), which produced electrical apparatus. In the year 1925, together with his wife, he expanded the company into a factory for electromedical devices, where in 1926 the first diathermy and surgical device was mass-produced. In 1936, the first “Hüttinger high vacuum amplifier tubes” were developed and manufactured. In 1940, the company was relocated to Elsässer Straße due to expansion. On November 27, 1944, the company complex was destroyed by an area bombardment by the Royal Air Force. Reconstruction was completed in a short time and production started again. The late 1940s saw the expansion of high-frequency and medium-frequency generators for inductive and capacitive applications, followed by the introduction of RF power supplies for semiconductor manufacturing in the 1960s, and the production of RF generators for laser applications in the 1980s.
In 1990, TRUMPF Maschinenfabrik in Ditzingen acquired shares and became majority shareholder in 1994. The former business division Medical Technology Division was renamed TRUMPF Medizin Systeme GmbH + Co. KG after the merger and moved to Umkirch.
Operation to 50 MHz
Filament: 7.5 V • 17.5 A
Voltage: max. 4000 V
Many thanks to Udo Radtke who donated this tube.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 28,5 cm • 11" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 8 cm • 3" 1/8

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