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ITT 3RM/204S, Magnetically Beamed Industrial Triode, Water Cooled
Triode industrielle à refroidissement par eau
Wassergekühlte Triode

This tube employs the field of a permanent (external) magnet to guide the electron flow from cathode to anode.

STC Development Sample
Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd was a British telephone, telegraph, radio, telecommunications and related equipment R&D manufacturer. The company was founded in London with the name International Western Electric in 1883. The company was owned from 1925 to mid-1982 by International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT).

R.W.H. Whittle and J.J. Behenna, Controlled R.F. Power Generation Using Magnetically-Beamed Triodes, The Radio and Electronic Engineer, Vol. 46, No. 12, December 1976.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: 3RM-215G.pdf


ITT 3RM/204S Magnetically Beamed Triode

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 25 cm • 9" 13/16
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 10 cm • 3" 15/16

ITT 3RM/204S Magnetically Beamed Triode

ITT 3RM/204S Magnetically Beamed Triode

ITT 3RM/204S Magnetically Beamed Triode

ITT 3RM/204S Magnetically Beamed Triode

ITT 3RM/204S Magnetically Beamed Triode


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