PHILIPS HPK 125W High Pressure Mercury Lamp
Lampe à vapeur de mercure haute pression
Lamp for use in scientific instrumentation and other applications (polymerisation, varnish hardening, ink drying system in printing industry, etc.) requiring high stability UV radiation combined with an accurate position for the arc.
The HPK 125W mercury lamps are also suitable as light source in the Hilger Model FS146 Mk2 Spectrograph and in instruments that utilize Philips lamp types 9280781051 and 93110.
The light output from the high pressure lamp provides maximum energy at 365 nm with substantial radiation also at 435, 313, 253 and 404 nm. In addition there is a continuum from 200 to 600 nm, peaking at 260 nm with approximately 20% of the maximum energy measured in the line spectrum.
Lampholder: BA15D
Lamp current: 1.15 A
Lamp voltage: 115 V
Luminous flux: 4,750 lumens at 100 hours
Luminous Efficacy: 38.0 lm/W at 100 hours
Rated lifetime: 1000 hours

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 98 mm • 3" 7/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 15 mm • 5/8"

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