OSRAM-ULTRAMED 2000W/380V UV-Metalldampfstrahler (Solariumlampe)
Metal Halide UV Lamp (sun tanning lamp)
Lampe UV à halogénures métalliques (lampe solaire)
Applications: cosmetics, dermatology, certain medical treatments (such as psoriasis vulgaris, para psoriasis and acne vulgaris), tanning of the skin by pigmentation, photochemotherapy, phototherapy. For any use, the UV filters recommended by the manufacturer of the device incorporating these lamps should be used.
Effective radiated power UVA (315 .. 400 nm): 490 W
Effective radiated power UVB (280 .. 315 nm): 60 W
Rated life: 800 hours

Longueur • Length • Länge : 197 mm • 7" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 28 mm • 1" 1/8

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