Lampe solaire à rayons ultraviolets
Sonnenlampe UV-Strahlung
The SCHICKERLING Products Mfg. Co. (Newark, N.J.) was founded in 1898 as a light bulb manufacturer. Later, the company produced detector and amplifier vacuum tubes with a couple of odd features in them, apparently in hope of beating the patent problems, but also as a “unique selling proposition”.
Their incandescent ultraviolet lamps used fused quartz for the bulb material, thus passing UV light that is normally lost. However, their effectiveness as sources of ultraviolet rays is more than questionable.
Excerpt from W. W. Coblentz, Sources of Radiation and Their Physical Characteristics, Council on Physical Therapy, Volume 95, Number 6, Aug. 9, 1930:
“Recently I verified these calculations by measurements on a new commercial lamp (the Schickerling Ultraviolet Sun Bath Lamp, on 115 volts, 1.74 amperes = 200 watts) consisting of a helical filament of tungsten in a glass bulb that was found to be transparent to wavelengths less than about 280 millimicrons (*).
With a quartz spectroradiometer and vacuum thermopile, the spectral intensities were found to decrease rapidly from high values in the violet (400 millimicrons) to an almost immeasurable value at about 320 millimicrons.
Measurements made with a General Electric sodium-in-quartz photo-electric cell, which was highly sensitive to ultraviolet rays of wavelengths less than 400 millimicrons, showed that at a distance of 2 feet from this lamp the ultraviolet radiation of wavelengths less than 313 millimicrons was equivalent to that present in about 10 foot candles of skyshine (observed at about 5 meters, 16 feet, from an open south window) or less than one one-thousandth of the ultraviolet radiation in noon-hour June sunlight.”
(*) 1 millimicron = 1 nanometer.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 21 cm • 8" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 115 mm • 4" 1/2

Ad in Daily News from New York, September 1930
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