Sperti K-53 Sun Lamp
Lampe solaire à rayons ultraviolets
Höhensonne Lampe
SPERTI SUNLAMP was founded by Dr. George Speri Sperti (1900 - 1991). Dr. Sperti was the
recipient of numerous degrees and awards for his work in the advancement of ultraviolet science. As a result
of this work, he founded SPERTI SUNLAMP to manufacture ultraviolet bulbs and appliances for the general public.
During WWII, SPERTI, INC. manufactured various instruments for the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air
Force (bomb sites, mercury switches, distance sites and gauges). The only tanning lamps manufactured during
the war were for military purposes. After the war, the sunlamp tube production was restarted. KBD/SPERTI still
exists today, continuing marketing expansion in the health care industry.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 17 cm • 6" 11/16
Diamètre de l'ampoule • Bulb diameter • Kolbendurchmesser : 31 mm • 1" 1/4

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