HAMAMATSU Low Pressure Mercury-Arc Lamp, Type unknown
Lampe à arc de mercure à basse pression
This lamp consists of a V-shaped coiled-coil tungsten filament operating inside a bulb filled with argon and a quantity of mercury. When operated on a special ballast, the filament reaches a high temperature and becomes incandescent. Thermionic emission takes place in the low pressure argon around the filament, and leads to ionization of the mercury vapor.
The arc emits ultra-violet radiation mainly at 253.7 nm and shorter wavelengths, which are harmful to living cells such as bacteria. These wavelengths also lead to the ionisation of oxygen molecules in the air outside the bulb, which subsequently recombine to form ozone.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 83 mm • 3" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 23 mm • 15/16"

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