ITALTEL SCA 120 500V 11-82 Surge Arrestor
Spark gap, Lightning protection tube for antenna system
Éclateur à gaz, Tube parafoudre pour installation d'antenne
Gasableiter, Blitzschutzröhre für Antennenanlage
BREV. (Patent) 471783.
4-pole + earth • 4 pôles + terre • 4-polig + Erde.
The Italian company “Elettronica Sicula SPA” (ELSI), founded in Palermo, Sicily, in 1956, was owned by Raytheon (99.16%) and Machlett Laboratories (0.84%) and was a subsidiary of Raytheon. ELSI produced vacuum tubes for civil and military uses, cathode ray tubes and semiconductors. In 1969 ELSI passed to the public company ITALTEL and became ELTEL, “Elettronica Telecomunicazioni”, and focused its production on special tubes. Still today, it is active in microwave tubes, with the name of Galileo Avionica, ALELCO.
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Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 115 mm • 4" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 40 mm • 1" 5/8

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