NRC Type 552 Cold-cathode Redhead Vacuum Gauge (Inverted Magnetron)
Jauge à vide Redhead à cathode froide (Magnétron inversé)
Kaltkathoden-Ionisationsmanometer nach Redhead (Invertierte Magnetron)
NRC Equipment Corporation, Newton, Mass., USA.
In the Redhead gauge, the cathode is shaped like a spool consisting of a short cylinder to which are welded two circular end disks. The anode is a short, open-ended cylinder which is perforated to improve gas flow through the gauge. Two annular electrodes, the auxiliary cathodes, are inserted between the anode ring and the cathode end disks, and are maintained at cathode potential to shield the cathode end disks from high electric fields. The edges of the auxiliary cathode are rounded and electropolished to reduce field emission to a minimum. The gauge is enclosed in a cylindrical glass envelope with a flattened portion to allow insertion between the poles of a magnet. A conducting film is deposited on the inside surface of the glass envelope and is electrically connected to the auxiliary cathodes by a spring contact. This film acts as an electrostatic shield for the cathode end disks.

The Redhead gauge operates at around 6000 V in a 1000-Gauss magnetic field and can detect vacuums in the 10-6 to 10-12 torr range.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 248 mm • 9" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 25 & 51 mm • 1" & 2"

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