TE-KA-DE RG12D60 Doppelweg-Netzgleichrichter
Full wave rectifier
Redresseur biplaque
Deutsche Wehrmachtsröhre • German Army tube • Tube de l'armée allemande.
Te-Ka-De = Süddeutsche Telefon-Apparate- Kabel- und Drahtwerke, Nürnberg, Germany.
The RG12D60 is a full wave rectifier designed for mobile equipment and features a 12.6 Volt heater. The two anodes are mounted in X formation one above the other on the common cathode. Together, they offer the greatest radiating area.
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 58 mm • 2" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 20 mm • 13/16"

CCG = Control Commission for Germany, the British element of the Military Government responsible for all civilian administrative matters following the German Surrender in May 1945.
After the war, the tubes were released for private sale and the STEG (State Registration Company for Public Good m.b.H.) checked the tubes and stamped them CCG, with the two Cs inside the capitalized G.
FKZ (Fertigungskennzeichen = Manufacturer's identifier code) “bug” = Te-Ka-De.

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