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Sylvania Experimental tube, “Ribbon on cathode assy, coated”
Tube expérimental


Sylvania Experimental tube, Ribbon on cathode assy, coated

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 69 mm • 2" 3/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 20.5 mm • 13/16"

Sylvania Experimental tube, Ribbon on cathode assy, coated

Sylvania Experimental tube, Ribbon on cathode assy, coated

Sylvania Experimental tube, Ribbon on cathode assy, coated

Sylvania Experimental tube, Ribbon on cathode assy, coated

Sylvania Ribbon on cathode assy, coated

Sylvania Ribbon on cathode assy, coated

Sylvania Ribbon on cathode assy, coated

Sylvania Ribbon on cathode assy, coated


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