Experimental tube E03 from Elli Buk collection - function unknown
Tube expérimental, fonction inconnue
Versuchsröhre, unbekannte Funktion
Elli Buk (1949-2012) was legendary in the world of collectors who knew him as a self-made, prolific collector, curator and expert on scientific instruments and the history of technology. Over a period of forty years, Elli exercised his passion for acquiring objects. E. Buk Antiques, located in SoHo (New York) for many years, was in the epicenter of the 1960's and 1970's art scene. A major part of Buk's collection, which featured over 2,000 objects from every possible collecting genre, was auctioned off over a four day period by Grogan & Company, a Massachusetts-based auction house, in April 2013.
• The Elli Buk Collection

Longueur • Length • Länge : 282 mm • 11" 1/8
Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 185 mm • 7" 1/4
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 77 mm • 3"

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