Flash X-Ray tube for the Golden Engineering Inspector 200 portable X-ray source
Source de flash à rayons X
Golden Engineering, Inc. - Centerville, IN (USA).

Longueur • Length • Länge : 20,6 cm • 8" 1/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 24 mm • 15/16"

There are just two electrodes in a flash X-ray tube: a small pointed anode, and a large cathode, with many small fine
points on it. When a sufficiently high voltage, and high current pulse is applied to the anode, electrons (e-) are drawn off the fine
points of the cathode by field emission, and accelerated toward the pointed anode. The resulting beam (r) is perfectly circular,
and very intense, and emerges through a thin metal or glass end window. A Marx-generator is used to produce the high voltage and
extremely high current required.

The INSPECTOR 200 is a portable X-ray
source which operates on either AC or from its own self-contained,
rechargeable battery pack, which makes it ideally suited for field use. It is a pulsed X-ray device which produces a pulse
of approximately 50 nanoseconds duration, and has a maximum energy of 150 kV.

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