General Electric SRT-4 Coolidge Tube
Tube à rayons X
For Therapy and Industrial Radiography.
This tube was used in the General Electric Maxima 400 kV deep X-ray (also known as orthovoltage) therapy machine.
The machine operated at an anode voltage up to 400 kV. To operate at such a high potential, the X-ray tube was housed inside a large tank filled with insulation oil to prevent electrical breakdown and allow tube cooling. The high-voltage generator was powered by a resonant transformer which was also fitted inside the oil tank.
Such a machine has been installed in Hong Kong in 1938 and commissioned for clinical use in 1939. Around 1964, the GE Maxima was relocated to a newly built large centre, the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Radiology and Oncology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The GE Maxima became functionally obsolete and was removed from patient service when state-of-the-art megavoltage radiotherapy technologies were installed at the Institute, including two linear accelerators and a Betatron. However, the GE Maxima remained onsite in the Institute until its decommissioning in the late 1980s. The X-ray tube has been kept and is currently on display at the Department of Radiation Oncology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

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Longueur • Length • Länge : 128 cm • 4' 2" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 113 - 180 mm • 4" 1/2 - 7" 1/8

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