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ICM X-Ray Tube for Non Destructive Testing
Tube RX pour les tests industriels et non destructifs
Röntgenröhre für die zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung

300 kV - 6 mA - Cooling: SF6 (Sulfur hexafluoride)

Manufactured by Lohmann (Leverkusen, Germany) for ICM (Industrial Control Machine, now Teledyne ICM) (Andrimont, Belgium).

This X-Ray insert was designed in 1993 for the SITEX range of portable X-Ray generators for the NDT (Non Destructive Testing) with uses in pipeline inspection, verification of the quality of any welded structure, shipbuilding, aerospace industry, digital radiography...

All SITEX units have a rod anode: the focal spot is outside the SF6-insulated high-voltage generator. A high-efficiency heat exchanger has been developed in collaboration with the Institute of Thermo-mechanics of the University of Liege. This permits a 100% working cycle under completely safe conditions and at the same time reduces the anode temperature by 50%.

Thanks to Alain Paulus and Fabrice Michel (Teledyne ICM) who donated this tube.


ICM X-Ray Tube for Non Destructive Testing

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 31,5 cm • 12" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : Bulb: 10,3 cm • 4" 1/16 - Heat exchanger: 17,5 cm • 6" 7/8

ICM X-Ray Tube for Non Destructive Testing

ICM X-Ray Tube for Non Destructive Testing

ICM X-Ray Tube for Non Destructive Testing

ICM X-Ray Tube for Non Destructive Testing

ICM X-Ray Tube for Non Destructive Testing


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