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Giant Demountable Tube Operated at the Bell Telephone Laboratories
Un tube démontable géant exploité dans les laboratoires de la Bell Telephone
Riesige demontierbare Röhre, betrieben in den Bell Telephone Laboratories

This tube was 10 feet (3 meters) tall!

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Giant Demountable Tube Operated at the Bell Telephone Laboratories

Assembled for operation, October 14, 1938.

Giant Demountable Tube Operated at the Bell Telephone Laboratories

Clifford E. Fay on the stepladder and Carl F. Wollner, standing on the floor.


Mouromtseff & al., Review of Demountable vs. Sealed-off Power Tubes, Proceedings of the I.R.E., 32(11), 1944.

Hallam E. Mendenhall, Notes on Remarks made at the Rochester I.R.E. Convention in Connection with a Paper Delivered by Dr. I. E. Mouromtseff, November 10, 1943.

It should be noted that the principle of a demountable (“repairable”) tube had been presented as early as 1923 by the Frenchman Fernand Holweck.

Lampe démontable de grande puissance Holweck

Lampe démontable de 100 kW construite par la SFR

100 kW demountable tube built by the Société Française Radio-Électrique
(Patents Holweck - C.S.F.)

C.F. Elwell, The Holweck Demountable Type Valve, Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Volume 65, Issue 368, August 1927.


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