Rayotron Beam Tube
Tube à faisceau électronique
Cat. # 71865.
Atomic Laboratories, Inc., Berkeley & San Ramon, California, USA.
Atomic Laboratories was a subsidiary of the Cenco Instruments Corporation.
The Rayotron was a Van de Graaff generator, claimed to produce 500 kV with 16" sparks in air from its metal sphere.
The complete apparatus included a beam tube which produced high-energy X-rays.
The beam tube is a cylinder of Pyrex with metal gradient rings to produce a uniform electrostatic field in which electrons are accelerated.
• The Rayotron (a High-Voltage Generator and X-Ray Source).

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Longueur • Length • Länge : 55.5 cm • 21" 7/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 38 mm • 1" 1/2

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