Leviton Safety Starter FS-20 (COP-20) for 15W-20W Lamps
Glow switch starter for fluorescent lamps with manual reset button
Starter à effluves pour lampes fluorescentes
Glimmstarter für den Betrieb von Leuchtstofflampen
Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc., Melville, New York, USA.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 39 mm • 1" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 21 mm • 13/16"

Glow switch starter with cut-out device.
This type of starter ensures that a “repeating” starter switch will cut out altogether after a certain number of consecutive operations.
Two advantages are provided by this type of starter switch:
a) no annoying blinking of lamps with deactivated cathodes;
b) no danger of overheating the ballast by the continuous flow of the short-circuit current.
How it works:
See also The lighting of a fluorescent tube.

B = bimetallic strip. W = heater resistor. K = push-button.
Heater current for the cathodes flows through a resistor W when once the starter contacts have closed. This also heats a bimetallic strip B which deflects and releases a spring, thus breaking the circuit. A push-button K can then be depressed to restore the spring to its operating position behind a catch on the bimetallic strip when the latter has returned to its original setting. When the defective lamp has been replaced by a new one, it is thus only necessary to press the button to restart the installation.
The push-button is coloured red and springs outwards when the cut-out mechanism has operated.
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