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Western Electric 724B T.R. Cell
Tube alternat
Sperröhre, TR-Zelle

1942. The 724A, 724B, and 724D are transmit-receive switch tubes related to the 1B23, similar to 721A but smaller.
Filled with water vapor, which produces a blue glow when ionized by a high voltage field.
Used as the TR and ATR tubes in 3-cm (10 GHz) radars like the AN/APS-6 and -15.
The 724B was an essential part of the bombing equipment on nearly every bomber aircraft used against mainland Japan, including the planes carrying atomic bombs.

A.L. Samuel, J.W. Clark and W.W. Mumford, The Gas-Discharge Transmit-Receive Switch, Bell System Technical Journal, Volume 25, issue 1, January 1946.

Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: 724B.pdf


Western Electric 724B T.R. Cell

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 59 mm • 2" 3/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 9 mm • 3/8"

Western Electric 724B T.R. Cell

Western Electric 724B T.R. Cell

Western Electric 724B T.R. Cell


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