ВИР14 Вакуумное искровое реле (управляемый разрядник)
VIR14 Vacuum Spark Relay (VSR)
Éclateur de commutation
High-speed switch for high pulse currents (several kiloamperes).
Structurally, the VIR-14 is a glass vacuum tube with a three-electrode system: an anode and a cathode separated by a discharge interval, and a control (auxiliary) electrode separated from the cathode by a thin mica gasket. Since it does not require power and time to heat the cathode, the switching time is very short.
Apart from its designation, very little is known about this tube: neither the parameters, nor the manufacturer. However, by indirect evidence, it appears that this tube was produced by VNIIA (All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics), Moscow, Russia.

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 51 mm • 2"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 19 & 24 mm • 3/4" & 1"

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