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Fernseh GmbH TU50 Oszillator-Triode für „Tonne“/„Seedorf“-Anlage
Oscillator triode
Triode oscillatrice

The TU50 is an oscillator triode developed in the 1940s by Fernseh GmbH, a German television company based in Berlin. It equipped the 400 MHz transmitter final stage of the “Tonne-Seedorf” remote-control system of the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) in WW II. The installation consisted of a television camera in the front section of a guided bomb, which was able to produce and transmit high-resolution pictures of military targets by a powerful and efficient built-in transmitter, integrated into the bombs body. The target was real-time monitored on a screen, the bomb could be steered into the target by the 'rifleman' with a joystick-similar control lever, while he was sitting in the bomb-dropping air plane.

This tube is extremely rare, since most of them were destroyed in field trials or military action! The tube presented here bears the date 15 August 1944.

Diameter of the base: 49 mm • 1"7/8
Height (pins excl.): 87 mm • 3"3/8

Uf: 1.4 ± 0.1 V
If: 6.6 A
Ua: 700 V
Ia: 100 mA

Deutches Fernsehmuseum Wiesbaden
Wolfgang-D. Schröer, Lenkkörper und Zielweisungsgeräte der deutschen Luftwaffe.

See also • Voir aussi • Siehe auch : Fernseh GmbH DU10/1 Modulations-Diode.


TU50 Oszillator-Triode

TU50 Oszillator-Triode

TU50 Oszillator-Triode

Hs 293 D television transmitter

Circuit diagram of the Hs 293 D television transmitter


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