Специализированная газоразрядная трубка (Инплатрон)
Experimental “Inplatron” Gas Discharge Tube
Tube expérimental pour la mesure des accélérations linéaires et des vitesses angulaires
Versuchsröhre zur Messung von linearen Beschleunigungen und Winkelgeschwindigkeiten
Developed at the Moscow Evening Metallurgical Institute (Department of Physics).
An inplatron is a specialized gas discharge tube with fixed electrodes, filled with inert gases or their mixture under pressure of the order of atmospheric pressure. It is intended for measuring linear accelerations and angular velocities. The discharge ignited in the tube, at currents of the order of a few milliamperes, has the form of a thin cord, bending in the direction of the acceleration action, if it is applied across the axis of the discharge. A pair of transverse probe electrodes is used to pick up an electrical signal proportional to the displacement of the cord.
• Yu. I. Iorish, Inertial-plasma instruments with inplatrons for measuring movement parameters, translated from Izmerit Tekh, No. 4, April, 1972.
• USSR Patent No. 492814 (1976).
• USSR Patent No. 985747 (1983).

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 89 mm • 3" 1/2
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 21.5 mm • 7/8"

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