Импульсной рентгеновской трубки ИМА6-Д
IMA6-D Planar Pulsed X-Ray Tube
Tube générateur de rayons X pulsés
Gepulste Röntgenröhre
The 100-kV IMA6-D tube is intended for directional x-raying of objects. A plane extraction window made of 1-mm thick beryllium sheet is used. Owing to the relatively small operating voltage and the presence of a beryllium window, this tube can be used to obtain high-contrast photographs of articles made of aluminum, plastics, and other light-atomic-weight materials. The tube is also used in medical diagnostics equipment.
Used in portable X-ray machines, for example: Dina-2 (Дина-2).

Effective energy: 80 keV
Power: 90-110 kW
Spot dimension: 2.1 mm
Repetition rate of pulses: 100 s-1
Power consumption: 0.3 kVA
Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt:
IMA6-D_a.pdf &
IMA6-D_b.pdf &

Hauteur • Height • Höhe : 68 mm • 2" 5/8
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : max. 38 mm • 1" 1/2

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