RCA Developmental 2-inch Tricolor Vidicon H6000-26
Tube de prise de vue trichrome
This is a single tube capable of generating all three of the primary colors. The heart of this tube is a unique and intricate color-sensitive target consisting of fine vertical strips of alternating red, green, and blue color filters, covered by three sets of semitransparent conducting signal strips. The signal strips corresponding to a given color are all connected to a common output terminal and insulated at the same time from the strips of the other two colors. As the target is scanned by a single electron beam from the rear of the tube, the color-sensitive filters permit the signal strips to produce electrical signals corresponding to the light and color of the image being scanned. Since the beam strikes all of the color-sensitive strips at each scanning, three simultaneous color signals are generated. This tube eliminates any registration problems and permits greater simplicity and compactness in color camera design.
• P.K. Weimer et al., A Developmental Tricolor Vidicon Having a Multiple-Electrode Target, IRE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 7, Issue 3, July 1960.
• THE TRICOLOR VIDICON. A Developmental Camera Tube for Color Television, RCA LABORATORIES, September, 1956.
• Harold Borkan, Simultaneous Signal Separation in the Tricolor Vidicon, RCA REVIEW, Volume XXI, March 1960.
• U.S. Patent 2,446,249 A.C. Schroeder - Pick-up Tube for Color Televisions.
• U.S. Patent 2,634,328 E.D. Goodale et al. - Television System.
Thanks to Charles Osborne for his help in acquiring this tube.

Longueur • Length • Länge : 35.6 cm • 14"
Diamètre • Diameter • Durchmesser : 51 & 75 mm • 2" & 3"

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